How to Take Care of Contact Lenses

  • by Michael L. Halkias, O.D.
  • Mar 8, 2024, 08:14 AM

Contact lens wearers know that proper lens care is vital to eye health. Neglecting lens hygiene can lead to uncomfortable infections and potential damage to one's vision. Maintaining clean and well-cared-for lenses is not just a recommendation; it is a necessity. It is critical to understand the correct procedures for inserting, removing, and disinfecting contact lenses to ensure the safety and longevity of both the lenses and the health of the eyes they correct.

Naper Grove Vision Care emphasizes the importance of a thorough contact lens care routine. From the moment a new pair of lenses is opened to the end of their prescribed use, adhering to meticulous cleaning and storage practices is key. Hand hygiene plays a significant role, as does the choice of cleaning solution used. It is equally important to regularly replace contact lenses as recommended by an eye care professional.

In addition to a rigorous cleaning routine, understanding the specific type and brand of the contact lenses one uses is also necessary. Different lenses require different care instructions, and Naper Grove Vision Care provides tailored advice for each variety. Keeping in regular contact with an eye care provider ensures that any problems with lens care or eye health are swiftly addressed, and users remain well informed on the best practices for their individual needs.

Understanding Contact Lenses

Proper understanding and care for contact lenses are essential for maintaining eye health and ensuring the longevity of the lenses.

Different Types of Contact Lenses

Contact lenses vary by material, wearing time, and replacement schedules. The main types are:

  • Soft Lenses: Made from hydrogel or silicone hydrogel, they are the most common type. Soft lenses range from daily to monthly disposables.
  • Rigid Gas Permeable (RGP) Lenses: More durable and resistant to deposit buildup, offering clearer vision and correcting most astigmatism.
  • Extended Wear: Can be worn overnight but require good hygiene practices to minimize infection risks.
  • Disposable: Intended for one-time use and then discarded.

Importance of Proper Care

Maintaining the integrity of contact lenses is vital. Here are key practices:

  • Cleaning and Storing: Always use a contact lens solution for cleaning and storing. Never use tap water.
  • Handwashing: Thorough hand washing before handling to avoid transferring germs to the eyes.
  • Regular Replacements: Adhering to replacement schedules prevents discomfort and risk of eye infections.
  • Scheduled Eye Exams: Regular check-ups with an eye care professional prevent potential problems caused by improper fit or outdated prescriptions.

It is critical to follow these steps consistently for safe and comfortable contact lens wear.

Comprehensive Care Guidelines

Proper contact lens care is vital for maintaining eye health and ensuring the best lens performance. It involves a consistent routine of handling, cleaning, and storage to prevent eye infections and lens damage.

Initial Handling and Daily Care

Before touching contact lenses, one should always wash their hands with soap and water, then dry them with a lint-free towel. Lenses must be handled carefully to avoid damage. Daily care includes:

  • Hand Washing: Thoroughly wash and dry hands before handling lenses.
  • Hygiene: Avoid contact with water or saliva; these can harbor bacteria harmful to the eyes.

Cleaning and Disinfection

Effective cleaning and disinfection prevent microbial contamination and eye infections. Steps for proper lens care include:

  1. Cleaning Solution: Only use the recommended lens cleaning solution.
  2. Rub and Rinse: Gently rub the lens in the palm of the hand with a few drops of solution, then rinse thoroughly before soaking.

Storage and Replacement

The lenses should be stored in a clean lens case filled with fresh disinfecting solution. Replace lenses as instructed to avoid complications. Key points:

  • Fresh Solution: Always use fresh solution in the lens case; never top off old solution.
  • Lens Case Hygiene: Clean the lens case with solution, not water, and replace it at least every three months.

Practical Application and Tips

Ensuring the longevity of contact lenses hinges on meticulous care and correct handling. Adherence to a strict routine safeguards eye health and maintains lens hygiene.

Inserting and Removing Lenses

When inserting lenses, one should always wash their hands with soap and water, then dry them with a lint-free towel. Contacts must be placed on the tip of the finger and inspected for damage or debris. The lens should be concave (like a bowl) and not flipped outward. When removing lenses, it is equally critical to maintain clean hands. One should look upwards or to the side, then carefully pinch the lens between the fingers to lift it away from the eye.

Routine and Maintenance

A fundamental aspect of contact lens care is establishing a daily routine. Lenses should be cleaned with the recommended solution by gently rubbing them in the palm of the hand. They should be rinsed thoroughly before soaking in fresh solution within a clean case. It is important to replace the lens case every three months to prevent contamination and to follow the specified replacement schedule for the lenses themselves, be it daily, bi-weekly, or monthly.

Common Care Mistakes

One of the most frequent mistakes is moistening lenses with saliva or water, both of which harbor bacteria and irritants. Lenses should never be stored in anything other than proper lens solution. Additionally, sleeping in contact lenses, unless they are specifically designed for it, risks infection and corneal damage. Users should avoid using expired solutions and always use fresh solution rather than topping off old solution in the case.

Eye Health and Professional Care

Maintaining optimal eye health is crucial, especially for contact lens users. Regular eye check-ups by experts like those at Naper Grove Vision Care ensure proper lens fit and eye health.

Significance of Regular Eye Exams

Regular eye exams are foundational in preventing vision problems and ensuring the health of one's eyes. Routine eye examinations serve several important functions:

  • They allow eye care professionals to adjust prescriptions for contact lenses to changes in vision.
  • Eye health assessments can detect early signs of potential issues such as dry eye syndrome, which is prevalent among contact lens wearers.
  • Scheduled visits cater to the examination of the corneal surface and fit of the contact lens, reducing the risk of infections and complications.

Naper Grove Vision Care prides itself on providing comprehensive eye exams that focus specifically on contact lens users. Their approach includes:

  • Assessment of the ocular surface: To ensure contact lenses are not causing harm to the eye.
  • Education on proper lens care: Critical in maintaining eye health and extending the life of the lenses.
  • Latest technology and techniques: To accurately diagnose and manage any eye-related conditions that could impact contact lens use.

By emphasizing the role of regular eye exams and highlighting Naper Grove Vision Care’s expertise, this section underlines the importance of professional eye care in the maintenance of contact lenses. Eye specialists play a pivotal role in aiding patients to achieve the best possible vision and comfort from their lenses.

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